Friday, December 3, 2010

Gluten-Free Lean Rolls

Here's another recipe I made from the Gluten-Free Baking cookbook I've been using. This time I tried the Lean Rolls. You can also make this as a loaf, but I prefer rolls. They're easier in my opinion, and it helps me with portion control as I tend to overindulge.

It's funny, but now that I've been gluten-free for nearly 2 years, I don't miss eating bread like I thought I would. I mean, I used to eat a lot of bread. I loved it, and when I went gluten-free I honestly thought I couldn't live without it. Of course, I can and do, but seeing everybody enjoy rolls at Thanksgiving dinner really made me miss it. So, that's why I decided to try these.

Gluten-Free Lean Rolls

2 3/4 cups (16 oz) flour blend #3
3 cups (16 oz) flour blend #5
1 tablespoon salt
3 tablespoons guar gum
2 1/3 tablespoons (2 tablespoons plus 1 teaspoon) instant yeast
3 1/2 cups (28 oz) sparkling water
6 egg whites

Thoroughly combine flour blends, salt, guar gum, and yeast. In separate bowl, combine sparkling water and egg whites, then add to the dry ingredients.

Mix, using the paddle beater of an electric stand mixer, for 4 minutes on low speed until smooth. According to the book, this dough should have a sticky, spreadable consistency, and it most certainly does.
Scoop dough into either greased baking cups (for rolls) or loaf pans, filling about 2/3 full. Proof in warm, humid place (like the oven with a pan of boiling water) for 40-55 minutes. I'm so thrilled that the dough actually rose like it should, that I took a close-up of it. Check it out!
Bake in preheated oven at 375 degrees with steam (again, stick a pan of water in there). Rolls should take about 15-20 minutes, and loaves will need 45-55 minutes. You can tell the bread is done by using a meant thermometer to check the internal temperature. It should be 200 degrees. Allow to cool completely on a rack.

I'm actually really pleased with how these turned out. See, inside they even look like real bread. The only thing is, they have a bit of an aftertaste that, while not unpleasant, I really wish wasn't there. I don't know what component of the flour blends is causing it, but I suspect either the the soy flour or whey powder, since I haven't used either of those in anything so far, and this is unlike any other kind of aftertaste.
Texture-wise, they're pretty dang close, with just a hint of spongy stodginess, but at least there's no gummy mouthfeel to them. Thank goodness. I honestly don't know if I'll make them again. The recipe says you can add in herbs, cheese, etc. before pouring into the pans and proofing, so I may try that to see if it helps with the aftertaste.

Flour Blend #3
5.25 oz (3/4 cup) white rice flour
14.25 oz (4 cups) potato starch
1.25 oz (5 tablespoons) guar gum
3.38 oz (1/2 cup) albumen

Flour Blend #5
9 oz (1 3/4 cups) white rice flour
6 oz (1 1/4 cups) tapioca starch
6 oz (1 3/4 cups) soy flour
3 oz (1/2 cup) whey powder

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